Thomas Acton | Apologies |
Colin Clark | Present |
Brian Foster | Present |
Valdemar Kalinin | Apologies |
Hazel Marsh | Present |
Sue Mutter | Present |
Lisa Smith | Apologies |
Siobhan Spencer | Present |
Anne Walker | Present |
Margaret Wood | Present |
Candace Thomas | Present |
- Minutes
- Matters arising
- Finance
- Correspondence
- Moving for Change application
- Conference 2022
- DFE Consultations
- Showmen’s subgroup
- Education Network
- Covered by the agenda
Finance report
Our Bank balances are as follows
CAF bank | £13793.50 |
PayPal | £1293.63 |
Total | £15087.13 |
- From: Karen Downs-Barton a Romani PhD student at Kings College London information regarding free International Romani Day Colloquium on April 8 online. She wishes to attract more Gypsy, Roma and Traveller attendees. Margaret shared the information widely and will attend. Book with Karen
- From the RSG and other Roma organisations across Europe seeking support for a statement aimed at politicians with proposals to adequately support the Roma fleeing Ukraine.
- GTRSB Pledge for Schools – drafts have been circulated and the document has almost been finalised ready for circulation to schools that may wish to sign the pledge. Margaret is liaising.
- From Bob Dawson. His latest book Wisdom, Inhibitions, Prohibitions and Superstition of UK Romani People is now available. £9.99 post free
- Romany Gypsy parent got in touch regarding sources of information on home schooling. Margaret responded on behalf of ACERT and received an appreciative reply.
- From Dana Brablecová, a postdoctoral researcher working on the project “Borders, migration, and boundary mechanisms”, in Bangor University. Thomas followed up the request for an interview with many relevant documents and a conversation.
- From Shirley McKeon, Lamorbey and Sidcup local history society, looking for a speaker about Gypsies in Kent for a Tuesday evening meeting. Thomas suggested Joe Jones and RTFHS and Margaret replied. But Joseph Jones’ contact details were incorrect.
- Thomas circulated a Crowdfunder request for help for a Rom candidate for the Baptist Ministry to finish college in Bucharest.
- From Emma Nuttall FFT. She received a request from the DFE regarding the amount of national funding needed to have a real impact upon the education of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils. Emma more recently pointed out that in the government’s Inclusive Britain report Action 33 looks a bit worrying: DfE will not have ethnicity-based funding streams unless there are exceptional circumstances.
- Margaret Greenfields got in touch to introduce Dr Laura Brassington the policy officer for the Higher Education Policy Institute (the leading sector-wide HE policy agency) – who has a particular focus on access to higher education for people from non-traditional backgrounds. Laura was invited to the ACERT Education Network and attended the last meeting.
- Candace Thomas – updates on the ACERT Showmen’s Working Group. Also EPIC information and biographical details for the ACERT website.
- From Susan Aitouaziz at the NEU confirming that the NEU now has very clear policy on supporting the ACERT education network. She will remind the Executive, that the NEU should be sending a representative to attend our meetings and engage in campaigning.
- From Thomas Acton – regular Kerapens Committee updates. Information on Roma International Day event, 9th April, Coxwell Heath
- From The Romani Cultural and Arts Company invitation to the preview of the Gypsy Maker 5 Exhibition on April 8th 2022, Barry, Wales
- New resource for Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) as part of the National ISVA Co-ordinator (NISVAC) Service pilot, ‘Working with victims/survivors from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities’.
- From Debbie Luxon: New government Traveller Site fund launches with help for Moving for Change. Siobhan explained that Adrian Jones at DGLG worked very hard to achieve this.
- From Josie O’Driscoll of Gate Herts . Notice of a media training opportunity for Moving for Change members.
- From Thomas: a webinar on April 7 : Anti-Racism and Gender Equality: Global Gains, Targeted Backlashes
- Debbie Luxon: New Funding Opportunity: Apply for our Micro Projects to celebrate Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month open to Moving for Change members as well as Gypsy and Traveller people who have not yet joined
- Anglia Ruskin University hosting a brilliant line-up of Roma and non-Roma speakers following on from a private screening of The Deathless Woman – a film about the Roma Holocaust at our Cambridge Campus, on the 4th April at 5pm.
- EC supported Candace in making an application to Moving for Change to support Showmen’s events.
- Agreed to compile a page on support for Roma in Ukraine.
Conference planning
- Date: 24th September or 1st October
- Venue: Liverpool John Moores or Kings College London
- Content:
- Schools pledge
- Showmen’s workshops in 10 Scottish schools (Mitch Miller)
- Mental health issues among young Travellers
- Storytelling traditions among different groups
- Candace to check availability of John Moores, Liverpool.
Showmen’s working group
- Meeting held on 10th March via Zoom attended by futures4fairgrounds, 1st Scotland, EPIC, Traveller Pride and Showmen’s Mental Health.
- The meetings will have a rotating chair.
- Issues discussed support for ELOs,
- Ethnic identity of showmen within the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller context; at the moment they are recognised as a business group but not as an ethnic one within education. Parents have no appropriate ethnic identity to choose but they experience many educational challenges including discrimination and prejudice.
- For the next meeting they aim to identify 10 questions relevant to the education of showmen.
- Consider making submissions to the DfE to become recognised as a group with specific educational experiences.
Education Support network
- Education Support Network will meet Wednesday 27th April 2022.
- The agenda will include:
- The Pledge for Schools,
- The Showmen’s Working Group,
- Consultations
- Brian will mail out a reminder.