Minutes of 2021 Annual General Meeting

Thursday November 11th 2021 on-line


Lisa Smith, Brian Foster, Thomas Acton, Valdemar Kalinin, Anne Walker, Margaret Wood, Tyler Hatwell, Sue Mutter, Colin Clark, Catherine Kiddle, Siobhan Spencer, Tracy Davies (Stanbridge Lower School), Rosemary Godwin (Stanbridge Lower School).


Hazel Marsh, Sally Barter

Minutes of 2020 AGM 


Chair’s Report

The meeting approved the Chair’s report given by Lisa Smith.

Finance Report

Anne Walker presented the Finance report which the meeting approved unanimously. Membership has held up well despite Covid and the finances have been helped by the work done for Bucks. New University. 

Election of Officers and Executive Committee (EC) for 2021 to 2022

For this part of the meeting Lisa Smith handed the chair to Thomas Acton. 

Tyler Hatwell and Chelsea McDonagh are both standing down from the EC. The meeting thanked them both for their invaluable for their contributions.

The following stood unopposed for the new EC and were unanimously elected. 

Executive Committee 21-2
Lisa SmithChair
Valdemar KalininVice Chair          
Anne WalkerMembership and Treasurer
Brian FosterCommittee Member
Thomas ActonCommittee Member
Sue MutterCommittee Member
Siobhan SpencerCommittee Member
Margaret WoodCommittee Member
Colin ClarkCommittee Member
Hazel MarshCommittee Member

The new EC will consider whether to nominate a second vice-chair and further co-opted members. Colin has approached two excellent Scottish Traveller contacts who may be interested. Tyler is in touch with a showman who may be interested. The meeting discussed the current lack of representation on the EC of Irish Travellers and will try to address this. 


Dear Thomas, Please would you be kind enough to pass on the following message to the ACERT AGM:
Founder member, Brian Raywid, sends his best wishes to ACERT. I am in Texas. Best regards to Thomas and everyone.
Brian Raywid.

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