Saturday, September 20th 2014 12:30 to 1:00pm
Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
Details are posted on the ACERT website.
• Welcome and Apologies
• Chair’s Annual Report of the work done by ACERT
• Treasurer’s report
• Adoption of audited Accounts
• Election of Honorary Officers 2014-5
2 Vice Chairs
• ·Appointment of Auditor(s)
• ·Date of next AGM
• ·AOB
Only paid up members have voting rights.
Those wishing to stand for election must have been a member of ACERT for at least 3 months.
Nominations for Honorary Officers or members of the Committee may be made by members of ACERT in writing. The nomination and the consent of each nominee must be received prior to the meeting.
Nominations may also be taken from the floor of the meeting. Those nominated must give consent.
The total number of Committee Members including Officers is not more than 15.