Date for your dairy: Saturday 20th September 2014



ACERT 2014 Conference and AGM

20th September 2014 9-30am to 4-00pm

George Fox Room
Friends Meeting House
173 Euston Rd
London NW1 2BJ

With minimal commitment from central government, and limits on charitable funding, voluntary organisations have to maximise their effectiveness through partnership and cooperation. The aim of this free conference will be to give and overview of recent development in the UK and Europe as well as showcasing exciting things happening in the UK now. We hope to provoke interest and discussion from participants to help shape ACERT’s agenda for 2014-5. The AGM, which will be between 12-30 and 1-00pm, will elect the Executive Committee which will be  responsible for implementing our decisions.

We would be happy to hear from any organisations or individuals who would like to tell us about initiatives in which they are involved, and we will send out a more detailed agenda after our next EC in mid-July.

Book here
