Call to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Staff and Students in Further, Higher Education

SEMINAR 10.45am-4.00 pm on 21 APRIL 2015 at

OBJECTIVE: to see if there is scope for an organisation/network which could offer solidarity, mentoring and support to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller individuals who often find themselves isolated, and subject to ignorant prejudice, in any role in FHE as elsewhere in society. Come and hear from other people who’ve been there themselves. Share your experiences, and work out what the next steps should be.


10.15 Doors Open: Coffee

10.45 Welcome Speeches

11.00 Keynote speech:

Professor Colin Clark (University of the West of Scotland, UCU)

11.15 Workshop on Gypsies Roma and Travellers in Further Education:

Panel Chair: Dr. Brian Belton (YMCA George Williams College, UCU)

Rosie Toohey, (FE Student, NUS )

Fran Murray (Manchester College, UNISON)

Sam Wilson (Traveller Education Adviser, Hampshire Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service)

Isaac Blake (The Romani Cultural and Arts Company)

12.00 Workshop on Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in Higher Education:

Panel Chair: Dr Lisa Galloway (Blackpool and the Fylde College, UCU  Professor Colin Clark (University of the West of Scotland, UCU)

Michael Barber (Wadham College, Oxford, NUS & UCU)

Petr Torak, (Open University, NUS and GRTPA)

Dr. Madeline Midgeley (Southampton University, UNISON)

Damien LeBas (Editor, Travellers’ Times)

12.45 Lunch (provided)

2.00 The Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Police Association as an example of ethnic organisation; and why current students should consider a career in the police force

Jim Davies (Chair, GRTPA and UCU) : Questions.

2.30 – 3.00 Break-out groups on what happens next

3.00 – 3.45 Plenary on what happens next including call for volunteers to take the network forward + new approaches to the Unions.

Who should come?

Registration form

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