All students, academic and non-academic staff of Gypsy/Roma/Traveller heritage are welcome. There are no fees but places must be booked. All the speakers and workshop leaders will be staff or students of Traveller, Roma or Gypsy heritage. We have (moral) support from NUS, UNISON and UCU. There will be an official representative, Christopher Nicholas, from UCU, and NUS and UNISON Head Offices have also been invited to send observers.
Resources: Wadham College has generously provided the room, and there will be coffee and refreshments provided by ACERT. For legal reasons, a nominal charge of £1 will be made for attendance at the seminar, payable on arrival.
TRAVEL: Bearing in mind the limited resources of students, ACERT has also set up a limited bursary fund to pay approved travel expenses to enable students to attend from within the United Kingdom. (Travel must be by the cheapest method on public transport – any train tickets bought in advance, not on the day. If you can get there by coach, wonderful! The ACERT fund is limited, and when it’s gone, it’s gone, so, first come, first served. )
Do not take the train between London and Oxford (WE WILL NOT PAY!). The Coach “The Oxford Tube” is both cheaper and faster.
If coming by car, it is cheaper to park off the top of the Iffley Road and take the No.2 Bus to the High Street, rather than use the Official Thornhill Park and Ride (from which progress into Oxford is very slow because of roadworks!)
Payments will be made after the expenditure has been made, on production of receipts.
ACCOMMODATION: ACERT has reserved (single-sex) dormitory beds exclusively for the night of 20-21 April, for seminar attenders at The Oxford Backpackers Hostel, 9A Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, and will provide these for those students who cannot get to Oxford and back in one day. The rooms will be exclusively for those attending this seminar. Please let us know if you need one of these beds.
If you don’t need a bed, or aren’t a student, but still want one,, or want to stay extra nights, bed and breakfast is £25.50, and you can book direct by e-mail to
** To book your place Fill in the attached Registration form and e-mail it ASAP to the secretary of the ACERT FHE Project sub-committee, Thomas Acton: BEFORE 24 MARCH.