Annual General Meeting 2009

This year’s AGM took place in late September, again in The Community Rooms in Millman Street, London. A well attended meeting heard Lord Avebury give the keynote speech. David Sheard of Cumbria County Council speaking about this year’s Appleby on the Hoof and a viewing of the DVD “Road to Success” were other highlights.

Keynote Speech

Eric Avebury delivered his speech at the AGM. You can read his thoughts in full by following the link below. He gave a view on the shortage of sites in the UK and reported on the Government’s first annual progress report on Gypsy and Traveller policy. With a possible change of Government in 2010 Eric gave a view on the possible impact on GRT communities and Traveller Education Services. Finally, he looks forward to the decision to establish a DCSF Traveller Forum.

Read Lord Avebury’s speech here

Education on the Hoof DVD

The DVD “Education on the Hoof” made at this year’s Appleby Fair was shown at the AGM. We have been granted permission to show the clip on our site. This film was made by Simon Evans.


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Education on the Hoof

The PowerPoint Presentation of Education on the Hoof can be downloaded and viewed offline below.

Education on the Hoof 2009 [1.2mb]


Cambridgeshire Race Equality and Diversity Service

Kate D’Arcy gave everyone present at the AGM copies of the new publication “Reminiscence” produced by CREDs.

Arthur Ivatts writes in the book’s introduction: “This wonderful book of photographs provides a telling story of the many and varied events that took place up and down the country during the month of June in 2008. I am sure the editor, Rose Wilson and her colleagues had an extremely difficult task in the sorting and selection process. We must all be indebted to all of them for this memorable historic archive which will be treasured by so many for so long.”

Further copies of Reminiscence are available for just £1.50.

Contact Kate D’Arcy: kate.d’

Cambridgeshire Race Equality and Diversity Service (Resources)

Team for Traveller Education
Foster Road

01223 508 700


Annual Report 2008-9

This year has been a productive one in many ways. There have been regular meetings with the DCSF where Gypsy, Roma and Traveller issues are discussed and we are beginning to see ways forward to building on the area of community involvement. The Appleby Fair On the Hoof project was very successful and this was aided by Cumbria’s Community Service involvement that supported the event.

Download and read the full Annual Report [Word Doc 7MB]


Out in the Open

The provision of adequate and appropriate sites for Gypsies and Travellers lies at the heart of resolving inequalities of access to health, education and employment. It helps to avoid tensions with local communities and is key to tackling racism and discrimination. This consultation identifies ways in which more sites can be provided, better relationships with the settled community established and the rights of Gypsies and Travellers be better recognised.

Download the document free of charge from the BSHF website
