Minutes EC Meeting 20th May 2021

Thomas ActonPresent
Colin ClarkPresent
Brian FosterPresent
Tyler HatwellApologies
Valdemar KalininApologies
Hazel MarshPresent
Chelsea McDonaghApologies
Sue MutterPresent
Lisa SmithPresent
Siobhan SpencerApologies
Anne WalkerPresent
Margaret WoodPresent


Minutes of the last meeting Agreed.

Matters arising

  1. Lisa has had a conversation with young Romany filmmaker, Jack Lilleywhite who is currently working at the BBC and is keen to improve representation of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in the media. We should keep in touch.
  2. Thomas reported that the 198 Exhibition is currently in Seville but more is being added too as it travels through various European countries so by the time it arrives in Autumn it will have grown significantly!


  1. Definite booking for Friday 1st October. Provisionally booked 3 breakout rooms so we have the ground floor of the building and we can cancel nearer the time if we don’t require them. They have given us a bigger room to facilitate social distancing and are being very helpful.
  2. Margaret has shared Conference ideas
  3. Siobhan asked Richard O’Neill if he would chair the day and he was willing. Eileen Mullervy and Selina Costello and Natalie Stables had previously agreed to contribute.
  4. PRU is Surrey would be willing to do presentation.
  5. Olivia Hammond, a 21 year old Romany Gypsy, GRT Engagement Professional and Facilitator on The Dukes Theatre, Lancaster’s ‘Our Voice’ GRT project’
  6. Panel discussion.
  7. Need to have a focussed planning day. Discussion about whether this could be in Manchester. Important to explain responsibilities to new trustees. Could be problem to stay on in Manchester for new trustees. The Traveller Movement has them, and they are valuable.
  1. Invitation to Andy Burnham from Chair
  2. Lisa will circulate proposal for panel discussion.
  3. Contacting possible speakers:
    1. Sue Mutter to contact Natalie Staples, Bradford Nursery, Ollie Malik
    2. Margaret to contact Richard O’Neil (or Siobhan), Eileen Mullervy
    3. Contribution from the teacher’s network.
    4. Lisa to contact Surrey PRU and Olivia Hammond to ask what they might contribute.
  4. Planning day after the AGM to make duties and protections of trustees clear.


  1. Nothing of relevance.


CafBank £15463.52

PayPal £   808.79
Total £16272.31

Insurance is paid up, though we will need to check up if we need to adjust it for our conference.

Conference Room is Booked for 1st October

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill

Colin reported back on his evidence session to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill Committee. The main focus of the session was on Protest (Liberty and Amnesty also made submissions.) Jake Bowers and Marc Willers had given evidence on the previous day. With the current majority it is very likely that the bill will pass into law; a depressing prospect.

ACERT contribution to Go Higher West Yorkshire

In 2019 only 32 (ascribed) Gypsy, Roma and Traveller students did A levels mostly with low grades. We know many activists went through secondary education without ascribing to these groups, but DfE are likely to use these low numbers to justify reduced funding.

Lisa announced our YouTube channel which has 3 short animations which has been included in a mailing and on the website.

Campaign to protect European Holocaust memorial

Lisa updated us on demonstrations to protect the Roma and Sinti Holocaust memorial in Berlin which is threatened by a rail tunnel. Different approaches are causing divisions between conservative and radical factions, and between Sinti and European Roma organisations. This may be distracting from a campaign to secure reparations for families killed and displaced during the Kosovo conflict.

Next meeting

24th June at 16:30pm prompt. This meeting will be shorter than usual because it will be followed by London GRTHM event.

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