Minutes EC meeting 18th March 2021


Thomas ActonPresent
Colin ClarkPresent
Brian FosterPresent
Tyler Hatwell (chair)Present
Valdemar KalininApologies
Hazel MarshApologies
Chelsea McDonaghApologies
Sue MutterPresent
Lisa SmithPresent
Siobhan SpencerPresent
Margaret WoodPresent
Anne WalkerPresent


Minutes of the last meeting were agreed

Matters arising

Movement for Change invited us to be represented at a meeting on the 24th March which could open up funding opportunities. Any proposals will have to be linked to nomadism. Parents network?

Siobhan was also aware of the anonymous letter from Hertfordshire but impossible to proceed without named complainants.

Colin will represent ACERT and feed back

ACERT Correspondence from February 18 to March 18 2021

  1. Alex Pryce with details of University of Cambridge Foundation Year. Lisa to follow up? Circulate. 
  2. Alec Herron from Charity Settled with details of an online event on Who are the Roma? Share and publicise. 
  3. From Thomas Acton regular updates on the Jubilee events including the Bucks New University /University of Silesia Gelem Gelem conference March 25 to 27. 
  4. Enquiry to Brian from a teacher in Peterborough requesting help for engaging with Roma parents. Margaret also replied with suggestions.
  5. From Patrick Wiley a PhD student at UCL who has chosen to make Romani archaeology the subject of his thesis research. He plans to carry out fieldwork to find evidence of Romanichal campsites in Epping Forest. He wants to discuss the potential for collaboration with ACERT for the sake of this important archaeological work. Or alternatively, perhaps we could recommend individuals or organizations to whom he should reach out. Margaret sent an initial response. Discuss. 
  1. Tyler to ask; Lisa if not he will write to them expressing willingness to work with them and work already done. Add to website.
  2. Done
  3. Consider in agenda item
  4. Margaret has responded
  5. Thomas has responded, thinks the project is worthwhile and recommended we assist in any way.


Here are the finances for March 2021
PayPal balance £     780.93CAFBank £15,638.43
Total £16,419.36

This month 
Paid for Internet to 1&1 £12.00Paid zoom renewal £143.88


Thomas communicating with Toby Gorniak around the banner. Thomas has not yet had an invoice.

Thomas will settle it and inform ACERT to give us the opportunity of contributing.

Lisa shared details of Berlin based preparations for the. 3 short animations; Flag, Anthem and Congress to raise awareness. New website with timetable and live-streams of events. Main events will be on 8th April.

Lisa will send Brian Press release for him to circulate next week. Thomas will also share available information before academic confront starting 27th March

Discussion about exhibition (live and on-line) on the history of Traveller education, transitioning from voluntary to statutory. Discussion on turning it into a culture and arts project, involving Romani graphic designers. Could be for the conference.


Discussion about reinstating the idea of a conference in the North (optional) probably around the parents network. Hybrid conference might be technically difficult but has the potential to widen participation. Romani film festival was live and streamed. We’d need to hire people for the day to handle that.

Anne will get back to Friends Meeting House in Manchester and ask about 17-18 September or 1st-2nd October 2021.

Margaret will trawl through emails to find out who we suggested inviting.

Colin will ask whether his University can assist.


Response to the police bill has been so severe. FFT have prepared a tool to create protest letters.

Colin to draft Press release from ACERT on remit of education.

Redbridge reaching out to Gypsies, Roma and Travellers for Covid vaccine.

Sue Mutter to follow up.

Brian reported back on Education Support Network meeting which was led by Selina of Darlington who presented a video on encouraging secondary age young people to consider training and careers.

Brian to restructure the website to create an Education Support area.

Tyler is liaising with Cherry Valentine who is interested in getting involved in Traveller Pride.

Meeting for drinks when permitted.

Next meeting 15th April 2021

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