What has Traveller Education meant to you?

Over the past few year, ACERT has used its annual AGM/mini-conference to provide a platform for community members to share their experiences and perceptions. This year, we are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Plowden Report, Children and their Primary Schools, which laid the foundations of Traveller education and child centred education for the decades that followed. 

Display of silk-screen prints at City Hall, created in London schools for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History month.

Most Gypsies, Roma and Travellers have stories about how education was for them, how they were treated, what they learned and how it prepared them for the rest of their lives. For most the challenges outweighed the opportunities, and it wasn’t plain sailing for anyone. We’d like anyone with a story to tell, to feel welcome to join us, to celebrate our achievements, recognise our failures and plan the way forward.

As well as pupils and former-pupils, students and former students, we’d also love to involve parents, teachers and staff of Traveller Education Services.

We hope things have improved over the past fifty years, although we recognise they have not improved enough and it has taken far too long. We hope the day will include some nostalgia, some success stories, a few laughs and some reflection on the lessons learned.

If you would like to attend, book your place here. If you’d like to participate, contact us  from the website or via Facebook.

The details for your diary are:

23rd September 2017 (10am – 4pm)
Waldo Williams Suite
Friends Meeting House
173 Euston Road
London NW1 2BJ

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