Thomas McCarthy – Traveller Story and Song

Thomas McCarthy

Thomas McCarthy spent his childhood travelling and living in Ireland and England and learnt his songs and stories from his family. He is internationally recognised for his wonderful authentic style of singing.

Thomas’ stories and songs are recommended particularly for children between the ages of 7-12. (Key Stage 2 and year 7)  His sessions are approximately 1 hour with groups of up to and around 30 children.

“Thomas builds a real rapport with groups. He doesn’t just sing and tell stories. He engages children in discussion and understanding around Traveller culture.” Eileen Mullervy, Lead Teacher, Lancashire Ethnic Minority/Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Achievement Service.

For further information or booking: email Nicky Snell at or ring/leave a message on 01524 389574 or 07508389428


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