Building a community-based organisation

Conference highlights

The conference achieved its primary objective of engaging the communities. Although the attendance was less than we would have hoped, almost half of those present were from the communities. The new executive, elected at the AGM following the conference, has significant community representation. The day also served its purpose in identifying a number of areas where ACERT could support the development of activists and role models. We recognise much more needs to be done but we began to lay the foundations.

IMG_1680 Romanies and Travellers in Higher Education

ACERT has a role in:

  • providing information and advice to young people in secondary schools making career choices
  • helping parents come to terms with their children’s’ choices
  • supporting students copeing with the challenges of Higher Education
  • balancing community needs with individual opportunities.IMG_1678

ROMED reunion

  •  ROMED was a special event for all concerned, but left many of the participants wanting more training and opportunities to use their skills
  • ACERT will explore how we can put on further training, and also help the trainees market their skills to potential clients.


  • Issues of identity and ethnicity were discussed, with art being and appropriate medium to explore these issues
  • ACERT will work in partnership with art practitioners, to develop opportunities for young people to explore and express who they are.
  • ACERT will also develop its website (and social media) to keep information flowing about what’s going on.

We also heard about People of the Road and the Community Empowerment Network.

Lord Avebury

Our President has stood down, after 13 years, on grounds of ill-health. He  was presented with two embroidered handkerchiefs by Delaine Le Bas, which were exhibited in the first Roma pavillion at the Venice Biennale 2007.


A full conference report can be downloaded below.

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