Minutes EC meeting 6th July 2023

Thomas ActonApologies
Colin ClarkApologies
Brian FosterPresent
Valdemar KalininApologies
Hazel MarshApologies
Sue MutterPresent
Lisa SmithPresent
Siobhan SpencerApologies
Anne WalkerPresent
Margaret WoodPresent
Candace ThomasApologies
Federica PignoloniSocial media consultant


  • Apologies
  • Minutes of previous Meeting
  • Matters Arising
  • Correspondence
  • Social Media proposal workplan
  • Women’s writing group update
  • Future Workplan – To develop youth event/workshop
  • Finance
  • Update
  • AOB

People don’t spend time looking at websites. 70% of Internet users use Facebook. An effective Facebook page should include links to posts, written content, polls, video posts and photos. There is a possibility of using polls to find what’s important to parents. Very short videos may be included in posts.

Insights let you understand where your users are, their age and gender which allow you to shape content.

Ideas for the Facebook Page could include:

  • Roma Holocaust Day August 3rd
  • A poll on hopes and fears for the upcoming school year
  • The purpose of the AGM including date and time
  • The Education Network meetings
  • The Women’s Writing group
  • Issues for Stakeholders group
  • Older Women – Talking Heads

Facebook should reach parents, academics, funders.


We need a social media presence, Facebook for parents and funders, Instagram for younger generation.

We also need a social media policy (safeguarding etc) and a social media plan – what we want to do, how we should do it and how we might fund it.

Sub group to meet again 28th August


£10,419.47 CAF Bank

Next EC meeting

14th September 2023 at 5:00pm

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