Minutes EC meeting 3rd March 2022

Thomas ActonApologies
Colin ClarkApologies
Brian FosterPresent
Valdemar KalininApologies
Hazel MarshApologies
Sue MutterPresent
Lisa SmithApologies
Siobhan SpencerApologies
Anne WalkerPresent
Margaret WoodPresent
Candace ThomasPresent

Matters arising

  • Candace fed back on the event for Fairgrounds families attending the Leeds Valentines Funfair at Radisson Blue Hotel on of 24th February.

Finance report

CAF Bank  13801.50
Pay Pal       1289.06

Total           15090.56


  1. Moving for Change GTRSB Pledge for Schools – regular updates. Launch now planned for June to coincide with GRTHM. The information comes to Lisa and to ACERT and ACERT could send someone to the regular planning meetings if anyone wishes to represent us. Margaret has joined up ACERT to the Pledge for Schools Group so any one of us can access the information and documents and contribute to the discussion. 
  2. Much correspondence received relating to Jimmy Carr comments on Holocaust victims. 
  3. From Colleen Roper – very full information on Future for Fairgrounds, now on ACERT website. 
  4. A request to Lisa Smith to appear on LBC Eddie Mair show. 
  5. UCL postgraduate student contacted ACERT wishing to carry out some interviews. Margaret replied and invited her to next week’s Education network meeting but the student has not responded
  6. Traveller parent seeking advice about a home tutor for a child due to turn 5 this autumn. Margaret replied explaining that this is not our main focus but referring her to local authority and government information and mentioning the TM tutor scheme for children who are on school rolls. The parent gave her postcode and has now been referred to relevant local Traveller Education support. 
  7. London Gypsies and Travellers regarding attendance advice. Brian responded. 
  8. Siobhan Spencer asking if ACERT would like to sign a petition on Roma Solidarity for Ukraine . Sue shared the same information that she received from the RSG
  1. Brian attended one of the meetings. Suggested that someone could attend the next ACERT Education Support Network. Sherrie Smith volunteered.

Showmen’s working group

  • Next planned event will be at the Kirkcaldy Links Market on April 12th. This event has been fully funded by the Guild and may have separate mental health training sessions for young people and adults.
  • Candace told us more about EPIC Assist which mainly focuses on youth work, personal development and social awareness training and mental health awareness training. She mentioned extending the work to boaters and Margaret told her about Julian House, one whose staff attended one of the first Education Network meetings.
  • The next Showmen’s Working Group will be 10th March via Zoom.

Conference planning

  • Agreed that a hybrid conference continues to be the best format to gain maximum participation.
  • As before we should prioritise giving a voice to a range of community members.
  • Possibility of building a programme around concrete proposals for the Future of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Education , from preschool to HE, with maximum job opportunities for community members and organisations.
  • Candace asked whether the focus extends to the whole UK and suggested a speaker from Scottish Traveller Education Project.
  • EC members agreed to give the matter some thought to enable us to address it more fully at our April 7th meeting.

Education Support network

  • Next meeting of the Education Support Network will be Wednesday 9th March 2022 at 2pm.
  • The agenda will include:
  • The Pledge for Schools,
  • The Showmen’s Working Group,
  • ACERT’s feedback on the Exclusions and Behaviour Guidance and
  • Our input to the Parliament Education Committee.
  • Brian will mail out a reminder.

Next meeting

Thursday 7th April at 6 pm

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