Minutes EC meeting 14th March 2024


Thomas ActonApologies
Colin ClarkPresent
Brian FosterPresent
Valdemar KalininApologies
Hazel MarshPresent
Sue MutterPresent
Lisa SmithPresent
Siobhan SpencerPresent
Anne WalkerPresent
Margaret WoodApologies
Candace ThomasPresent


  • Apologies
  • Minutes of previous Meeting
  • Matters Arising
  • Finance Update
  • Correspondence
  • Relationships Education and RSE
  • AOB



Our Bank Balances are as follows

CafBank £7892.30

PayPal    £578.52

TOTAL £8470.82

We Paid out £3657.00 for the conference and Earned 1125 from people who registered on Eventbrite.

Ibis Ladywell Walk, Birmingham has inclusive price including IT.


We will need to apply for funding for future conferences. Siobhan will try and identify some

Relationship Education


Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group have drafted a letter which they would like to submit to MPs before the Westminster Hall debate scheduled for March 18th.

The Westminster Hall debate scheduled for Monday March 18th is a response to two petitions submitted by the public which have passed the threshold required to trigger a debate in Parliament. The petitions come from opposing positions on whether LGBT materials should be in classrooms. DGLG would like to have wide support from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Organisations before it is submitted to the debate. but provides an opportunity to raise how Relationship Education is being taught.

The EC had a full and frank discussion about lesson plans which have resulted in a number of children being withdrawn from schools.

Siobhan said the lesson plans had been prepared in secrecy and had not been shared with parents.

DGLG argues gender ideology is being taught which brought about very age inappropriate  lesson plans from some teachers.

Brian pointed out that Relationships Education (Primary) RSE (Secondary), and Health Education are covered by statutory guidance which means schools should follow it or provide an adequate justification why they don’t. This guidance sets out what children should know by the end of Y6 but leaves schools to design their own curriculum taking account of the needs of their local communities. Schools are encouraged to engage in dialogue with parents on what is taught and how it is taught.

Parents have alternatives to removing their child from school. They can discuss the issue with the head, make a complaint to the Governors and register their concerns with Ofsted. LGBTQ+ issues are a very small part of the Relationships Curriculum and much of it encourages children to behave in caring and tolerant ways in school. As such it will make schools safer and more inclusive of Travellers.

Siobhan felt it would be better if the curriculum were imposed by Government to prevent it being hijacked by teachers promoting ideologies.

Candace agreed parents are concerned about gender issue and scientific terminology. But she also knew that extreme things are being shared which were not based on actual practice in schools. She also was aware of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller families with same sex parents and it is important that they are accepted and respected by other members of the community.

Next meeting

11th April 2024 at 5:30 via Zoom.


After a long discussion it was agreed that ACERT did not have a consistent view on these issues and while we were all free to sign the letter in individual capacities, we could not do so as an organisation.

It was agreed that Siobhan would resend the letter to ec@acert.org.uk
