Minutes EC Meeting 15th July 2021

Thomas ActonPresent
Colin Clark
Brian FosterPresent
Tyler Hatwell
Valdemar KalininApologies
Hazel MarshApologies
Chelsea McDonaghApologies
Sue MutterPresent
Lisa SmithApologies
Siobhan SpencerApologies
Anne WalkerPresent
Margaret WoodPresent

Matters arising


ACERT Correspondence summary from April 21 2021 to July 12 2021

  1. Caitlin Disken caitlin.disken@uprising.org.uk wishing to talk with ACERT about an employability programme for 18 to 25 year olds. Margaret forwarded it to EC. Did anyone respond?
  2. From Bundes Roma Verband information on June 13 Remembrance Day! Expulsion of Roma from Kosovo
  3. From Carmen Hoang information on TV company working on Ackley Bridge – Writer Shadow Scheme. Margaret circulated the request. Thomas contacted Carmen Hoang. 
  4. Phil Regan Traveller Movement requesting help regarding research for Youth Futures Foundation and an online survey. Phil wrote up the request for the ACERT website and Margaret forwarded it to Brian to include with the next update.   
  5. Nicky Wildman, casting director, looking for a man to play a small part in a film. Margaret circulated it. 
  6. Siobhan Spencer circulated a new report on ‘The Experiences of Gypsies and Travellers caring for family members living with dementia’.
  7. From Kansas Matthews Read, a student at Coventry University, helping two researchers who are running a small study which asks: Why are pregnant women in prison? They would like to contact Roma women.  LawResearcher23@gmail.com  Margaret forwarded to EC. 

  1. Brian to find communication from Phil Regan and circulate it.


  1. Ollie Petrovic has agreed to speak at the conference on culture being reflected in the curriculum and has invited Sue Mutter where
  2. Ermina Kesedzic from St Edmonds Nursery, Bradford, Juraj Tancos is Roma worker and parent liaison person in the school has agreed to speak.
  3. Harriet Crosley at Bowling Park Primary, Bradford subject of article in the Guardian will contact relevant people in the school to seek agreement to contribute.
  4. Natalie Stables has agreed to arrange to bring the wagon from the Romany project, will go on a panel and will inform the northern network about the event.
  5. Richard O’Neil will chair.
  6. Lancashire have agreed to do a presentation on work at Duke’s Theatre.
  7. Selina Costello and college from Darlington have offered a presentation and/or workshop on raising career aspirations on a shoestring.
  8. Possibility of including Ramona Constantin who is a local activist and parent.
  9. Olivia Hammond has agreed to participate.
  10. Hall booked; also 3 breakout rooms (need to confirm). Catering is available at around £20 per head.
  11. Draft letter to Andy Burnham ready for Lisa’s approval.
  12. Eventbrite will cost 70-75p per booking. It will give us details of all attendees which we need for Track and Trace.
  13. A hybrid event can be run from
  14. We need some images for the Eventbrite page.
  15. Working title: Looking forward, breaking new ground.
  1. Ann will look into the company who will arrange for hybrid presentation to see whether it is a viable option.
  2. Ask contributors if they have images to use in publicity. Preferred deadline 22nd July.
  3. Margaret to contact Liverpool Service and Brian to contact Wyn Lawlor at Irish Community Care to encourage participation of Irish Travellers (or work with them).
  4. Suggest that Lisa approach Janet Whittaker to provide a welcoming message (on video).
  5. Brian and Lisa to discuss contribution about HE project and pledge. Maybe ask Sherrie Smith.


CAF bank £15,467.52

PayPal £     825.07
Total £16,292.59

Education Network

Meeting on 14th July was attended by 16 people. Presentations from Hampshire, Belfast and Oxford Brookes. Plan to continue next year every half-term.

Next Year’s meetings

We need to organise an AGM in the autumn.

Meetings to continue on 3rd Thursday of each month.

Thomas to contact Lisa and suggest three alternative evenings 17 Aug, 18 Aug or 24 September and when she confirms we can announce it in Newsletter.

Anne to book Zoom slots.

Next meeting

19th August at 16:30pm prompt.

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