Residential Session 1
Wednesday March 26th 2014 at 4pm – Saturday March 29th 2014 at 3.30pm
Residential Session 2
3 days to be arranged in about 6 months’ time
(A work-based task is to be completed between the 2 courses)
Applicants should be people from Gypsy, Roma or Traveller backgrounds living in the UK and whose current work involves aspects of intercultural mediation, advocacy or liaison. Employers, who will need to consent to applicants taking time off work for both residential courses, will be welcome to join us in Manchester for the day on Thursday 27th March.
Luther King HouseBrighton Grove
off Wilmslow Road
Manchester M14 5JP
Tel: 0161 224 6404
Full board and lodging in single en suite rooms will be provided at no cost to participants. Free parking, good bus and rail services, close to airport, wifi.
Getting there
Directions By Bus from the City Centre to Luther King House
Airport bus timetable Alight at Owen’s Park on the Wilmslow Road.
Travel expenses
Participants (except those from Northern Ireland fro whom flights will be arranged) will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements at the least expensive public transport rate or at 30p per mile plus any tolls if travelling by car. For car shares 35p per mile will be payable. Travel expenses will be reimbursed during the course and receipts will be required.
Wednesday March 26th
Opening session and welcome reception
Thursday March 27th
Introduction to ROMED for new participants, their employers and representatives from the public sector and local authorities. Original trainees and a Council of Europe representative will share their stories. There will be discussion about how the ROMED model can be further developed in the UK.
Friday March 28th & Saturday March 29th
ROMED training programme led by UK based facilitators, some of whom are community members.
The deadline is midnight on Monday March 3rd.
Places will be offered by the end of that week.
In selecting participants we will try to ensure that a range of communities and geographical areas are represented. We would be pleased if several people from the same local area apply as this could facilitate follow-up work.