Looking forward, breaking new ground

Plan for the day

Arrival and Welcome
09:30 – 10:00Arrival and registration complying with COVID 19 Track and TraceAnne Walker (Membership & Treasurer, ACERT)
10:00 – 10:05WelcomeLisa Smith (Chair, ACERT)
10:05 – 10:15IntroductionRichard O’Neill (Author)
Coffee Break  11.15 – 1130
Livestream Film screening:  COVID-19 STREET SCHOOLING by KaskoSan Charity
Session 1- School and Parent involvement
10:15 -10:30Harriet Crossley & Juice Vamosi
Roma home schooling: Inclusion through the pandemic and beyond
Bowling Park Primary
KaskoSan Roma Charity
10:30 – 10:45Ramona Constantin
Empowering, supporting, training and representing European nationals in Greater Manchester
Roma Advocacy Worker Europia
10:45 – 11:00Juraj Tancos & Guest
Roma Inclusion in Early Years Education
St Edmund’s Nursery School & Children’s Centre
11:00 -11:15Q & A PanelAll presenters
Session 2 – Outreach work and setting personal goals11.30 – 1pm 90 minutes
11:30 -11:45Tara Whelan, Teaching Assistant and GRT liaison officer EMTAS Claudia Rendo,  Teacher, Salford EMTAS
Heritage Lottery Young Roots exhibition ‘Traveller Wagon Project – Bringing Heritage Alive!’
Salford Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service and young people from the Traveller/Gypsy Community.

11:45 : 12:00Roxana Sardais
Seb Smith
Emma Community member

Now Listen Here: engaging with GRT young people living in Lancashire, to hear their voices
The Ethnic Minority Gypsy Roma Traveller Achievement Service from Lancashire County Council & Dukes Theatre Project
12:00 -12:15Olivia Hammond
Alternative pathways to success

12:15 -12:30Ollie Petrovitc & Tayeeb
A young Roma perspective on Identity and representation in the school setting.’
Amaro Drom
12:30 – 12:45Scarlett Smith
Barriers to FE & alternative Pathways
Gypsy Travellers Essex & Friends Famillies and Travellers Intern
12:45 – 01:00Q & A PanelAll Presenters
1:00 – 2:00FREE online Film Screenings: Its Kushti to Rokker Films & BGRT animated historyTravellers Times
Session 3   Raising expectations
02:00 -02:15Selina Costello & Janine Lowther
Raising the career aspirations of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers on a shoestring
Darlington Traveller Education Service
02:15 – 02:30Gill Rowlands
Strengthening multi-agency approach in supporting families with education and attendance
Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service, School Improvement Liverpool & Attendance and Welfare Team
02:30 -02:45Sherrie Smith
GRTSB Higher Education Network  Pledge
Bucks New University & Drive2Survive
02:45 – 03:00Imogen Di Sapia
Crafting Pathways to FE, HE & Beyond
Bright Moon Weaving Studio
03:15 – 03:45Q and A PanelAll presenters
03:45 – 03:55Final SummaryRichard O’Neill
03:55 – 04:00ClosingLisa Smith (ACERT, Chair)